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There are many benefits to having business systems in place including improving efficiency, reducing costs and facilitating business growth. Once these systems are implemented, they need to be adhered to. Consistency is key and you need to really put in the work if you want to see results in your business. But how do you do this with a demanding toddler in tow or need to ensure your kids do their homework? How do you stay present in your business and family at the same time? Being an entrepreneur is hard enough but as a mompreneur with unique challenges, things don’t always go as planned.

The truth is it doesn’t have to be that hard. As a busy mompreneur (as if there is any other kind) the key to managing it all is to implement business systems to help you stay organized and get everything done. Efficient business systems not only help you streamline your work but also free up your time for family life. Here are 5 main systems you can implement in your business and family life to succeed.

Effectively managing your time can sometimes seem like a daunting task. No matter how hard you try, at the end of they day there is so much left to be done! In order to manage your time you need to prioritize and set boundaries. This is one of the most important systems you need to implement.

As a mompreneur your hands are always full and you’re busy juggling multiple tasks. You need practical time management tips and techniques such as setting oals, prioritizing and overcoming procrastination to get you organized. Tools such as calendars, digital planners, to do lists and time blocking techniques can also be very beneficial in getting organized and really maximizing your limited time.

    2. Financial Management System

    As a mompreneur it’s not just about the business, it is managing family income and expenses too. How much did you earn vs spend last month? Did you allocate anything to savings and /or investments? You need to have an idea of where your money is coming from and where it is going.Tracking your income and expenses will give you a fairly accurate picture of your money and can be used to creat and adjust your monthly budget.

    Every year, quarter and indeed month it is important to set realistic financial goals and to budget effectively. This can be done simply by creating spreadsheets so you can visually get a birds eye view of your money. Depending on the volume of income or invoices you can utilize an accounting software or hire a financial advisor if needed.

    3. Marketing System

    Like it or not, Marketing is an essential part of business. Unless you want to be the world’s best kept secret you need to set up a marketing system. Yes I know Marketing can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Systems are used at every stage of the Customer Journey. To simplify things, you need to implement marketing systems and strategies to:

    • Attract customers
    • Nurture Customers
    • Gain Customer Interest and Desire
    • Sell to Customer
    • Retain Customers
    The Customer Journey

    Some familiar strategies used in these systems for your customer journey include the efficient use of social media, email marketing and networking opportunities. Your marketing efforts must also be tailor made to your target audience and ideal client and be sure to track and monitor results for continuous improvement.

    4. Customer Management System

    As your clients move through their customer journey your ideal goal is to create a positive customer experience so your they are not just willing but excited to buy. Trying to remember each customer’s needs and where they are in your customer journey can be a daunting task. Your best bet and my recommendation of course is to utilize a Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

    A CRM is a set of integrated software used to manage all interactions with your potential and current customers. Utilizing a CRM software to manage your customer relationships can drastically improve and help you to organize customer data and preferences. 

    The CRM coupled with excellent customer service and building loyalty can really boost your business and bring in sales effortlessly.

    5. Self-Care System

    Self- Care as a business system! Well this is strange – but hear me out. I’ve always loved the saying you cannot pour from an empty cup and it is so true as a business owner even more so as a mom. It is important that you take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally in order to show up for your business, your family and yourself.

    So while you’re implementing systems to run your business remember that your business revolves around you. You are the mastermind and the force behind your business so take care of yourself. Some ways to ensure this include:

    • Implementing strategies for managing stress and avoiding burnout
    • Incorporating self-care practices into daily routine

    Conclusion – Business Systems Roundup

    In conclusion, as a busy mompreneur there are five essential business systems which you must implement in order to not only boost productivity but also preserve your sanity. These are Time Management System, Financial Management System, Marketing System, Customer Management System and Self-Care System.

    All of these business systems coupled with a supportive community whether it be business, family or both is essential. Understand that you are only one person. Implement your systems but know the importance of seeking help when needed. Remember success as a mompreneur is 100% achievable with the right mindset and systems put in place.

    P.S Are you finding it difficult to cope with the stresses of running a business while taking care of your famiy. Let’s have a chat about how I can help you Systemize for Success! Don’t forget to subscribe below to receive my Marketing Mompreneur newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. Bonus – You’ll receive a FREE Daily Planner to help you boost your productivity as well wink!